
Equipping In Everything Fivefold

Are you looking for the fullness of God? Eph. 4:13


Step into the Now of God!

Get Equipped Let the journey begin

Limited Time Offer: Prophetic Calling Package Get "The Office of the Prophet" book + Five-fold Equipping class access Total Value: $1500 Act Now: 

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Perfect for those called to the prophetic. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding and sharpen your skills! Order today and step into your prophetic destiny!

The three devastating things prophets do that will lock up their prophetic gift.

"Unlock Your Prophetic Power: Learn how to discern 3 Hidden Traps Silencing Modern Prophets"

Prophetic Thought Leaders Academy

Get your  copy today of The Prophetic Manifesto. A must have for every prophet of God. 

Download Ebook -The Digital Imperative: Why Pastors Must Monetize Their Online Content

Think Before You Stream: How
Facebook Could Ruin Smaller Churches
The Allure of Instant Reach

Download Ebook - Gift

Do I stream my ministry online or not?


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