
Four simple things to fix your credit report.

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2019

Most of what’s found on the average persons credit reports are wrong. When you fail to take action to challenge these items your score sufferers big time. 

Here are four really simple steps to fight back to raise your credit score.

1. Get yourself enrolled in a good credit repair service. The average cost for a good credit repair service is around $59.00-$99.00 per month. The most expensive is not the best. The key is results!

2. Get your free credit report and upload it to your new service. Once uploaded you will be able to see where you can start attacking the negative or false items on your report.

3. Schedule your first call with your Account Administrator, they will walk you   through the process of setting up your account, and they will set up your first round of dispute letters to go out to the threes bureaus TransUnion, Expiren, Exquifax.

4. Print your first round of letters to go out, with a copy of  your ID, and verification of address. Print your letters from your new account portal and mail them off. Sit back and relax and wait for the response within the 30 day time period from the three bureaus. If they fail to respond they must remove the disputed items. When they respond and the response is not satisfactory we start round two. We do not stop until we get a clean credit report.

Dream Maker Homes Credit Repair



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Two Step

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